Boosting investor engagement: How automated distribution increases hub signups by 2.2x.

For public companies, one of the most effective ways it can take control of its capital market outcomes is through direct-to-investor marketing. And one of our most powerful features—Automated Distribution—is proving to be a genuine game-changer when it comes to capturing investor email addresses.

What is automated distribution?

Imagine having all your important news—whether it’s press releases, announcements, or media mentions—automatically delivered to the right people at the right time. That’s precisely what Automated Distribution does. It ensures that your announcements and updates reach your network of potential and existing investors, direct from you.

By using InvestorHub, companies can set up their newsflow to be distributed across their investor network instantly. The best part? Announcements and newsflow sent via Automated Distribution averages a greater-than 50% open rate.

The results speak for themselves: 2.2x increase in hub signups.

Companies that have turned on Automated Distribution have seen a significant increase in investor engagement—on average, a 2.2x rise in hub signups. This means that by using this feature, public companies are creating a direct line of communication with more shareholders.

Why does automated distribution work so well?

The reason for this increase is clear: consistent and well-timed communication helps build trust. Investors want to feel informed and involved, especially in times of market uncertainty. By ensuring that all company news is delivered directly and regularly, investors are more likely to see your company as transparent, accessible, and worth backing.

Moreover, by taking the effort out of manual distribution, companies can focus on what really matters—engaging with their investors directly and preparing for their next strategic move.

Taking your investor relations to the next level.

Automated Distribution isn’t just a tool—it’s an opportunity to strengthen investor relations, build credibility, and ultimately, grow your investor base. At, we’re committed to helping public companies thrive by providing the right tools to connect with their audience effectively.

If you’re ready to see how Automated Distribution can work for your company, why not give InvestorHub a try? With an average boost of 2.2x in hub signups, it might be the perfect way to take your outreach to the next level.