Companies on InvestorHub have lower post-raise selling pressure than average.

It turns out that our InvestorHub family are a bunch of overachievers when it comes to post-raise sell-offs. On average, our clients see a sell-off rate of just 7.9%.

If you're wondering, the industry average is 44%. You don't have to be a maths whizz to see that's a huge gap.

But how and why is this happening?

Well, the secret sauce is simple. We believe in the power of effective communication and building investor conviction. We've developed InvestorHub with these principles in mind, helping public companies navigate the choppy waters of investor relations with ease.

This isn't just about making your life simpler (though we love doing that). It's about helping you build stronger relationships with your investors and keeping them on board long after the raise.

Bottom line? We're proud to say that our clients are bucking the trend and leading the way to a new standard in post-raise performance.